let's all post links before we read them!
i read enough of it, just didn't get through it, mr cranky pants
and anywho i read it and it didn't say what to do to stop it. on majorgeeks.com theres some dummy file you can use to replace an ad file, but i don't know if that does anything but stop displaying the ad
Let's all bitch at each other for no particular reason!
I googled "cock" and this is the first website that came up:
Edited By diceisgod on 1078188209
you think? still not sure??
drama can be good in the right place. like on tv. cocks are good in other places...
Is this just so you can talk about how Eric mercy-fucks you?
I'd appreciate less cock-talk in my forum - thanks.
did you know that CRX is having sex with Eric?
you started it!
that was intended for goatweed
actually, DIG started it.
we could talk about my cock if you like, gimme a call :10:
Galt Wrote:Is this just so you can talk about how Eric mercy-fucks you?
that's not mercy that is more charity than anything....
Eric's doing gods work
is it mercy fucking if he can't get laid by anyone else?