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I came to see my manager to get some buyer forms.

I walk in and she was yelling at the greek bitch who works there about taking a really low commision and told her if she wants to work for peanuts to go off and join the circus.

So I am sitting at my desk waiting for the comedy show to end.

So she greets me and I say I have a buyer that I have to qualify and I needed a buyer form. She said ok, what are they looking for? I says a one family, preferably detached. Then she asks where do they wanna move to, I says Canarsie.

So befire I get the sie out in Canarsie.. she says "oh they're colreds"

Granted shes in her mid 70's and still thinks the term colreds is ok but what was amazing was that she was absolutely right, they were black.

Then she whispers to me "well it's ok, I worked with them before and I know some people who actually don't mind working with the colreds, don't worry about it"

She doesnt know about all my negro tendancies ofcourse but I told her i'd manage somehow. So she said "well even they need a place to live."
i would quit. or tell her boss so that he fires her and moves you into her spot. he will fear you forever and worry that you plan to bring a lawsuit complaining about the raqcist atmosphere in the workplace.
shes a funny old lady.
Quote:"well even they need a place to live."

Does she wear a pointy hat too?
No but I bet she'd look cute in it.
that 40 year old ex coke addict (for the sake of this story we will call him arpi) i work with once said "colored" in subway. my boss was like "whose sandwich is this" and he goes "its that colored lady's."

so i say to myself "he did not just say that." then i build up the courage to look where the clored lady was, she was just giving arpi the evil eye for like 10 minutes. it was really funny later on
well a 40 year old guy doesnt have much of an excuse, atleast she's closing in on 80.
yeah i know. if my boss had a better grasp of the english language hed definately be fired
Any colored working in her office?
No but we got just about everyone else

a greek, a israeli, a spic, a gook, a russian, and a turk.
Sounds like the making of a sitcom. Is she an Italian lady or Jew?
i've got a pollock, hungarian, mexican, cyprus ( cyprian?), and a russian, and then there is little ole german me, granted i am the only one without an real accent
she's a jew I think, not sure.
When I was in high school I became buddies with a kid who had just moved down from South Boston. We went up to Boston one weekend and we were eating dinner with his grandmother. She was little little tiny sweet little old lady. Looked like Joe Pesci's mom in Goodfellas. I wanted to pinch her cheek. I thanked her graciously for the amazing food she cooked. Later, during dinner, the subject of Magic Johnson came up (as it was 1992 at the time and he'd just gotten the bug), her lone comment regarding the situation was: "fucking nigger deserved it"
and god created black people on the 9th day, cause niggers are never on time.
Galt Wrote:When I was in high school I became buddies with a kid who had just moved down from South Boston. We went up to Boston one weekend and we were eating dinner with his grandmother. She was little little tiny sweet little old lady. Looked like Joe Pesci's mom in Goodfellas. I wanted to pinch her cheek. I thanked her graciously for the amazing food she cooked. Later, during dinner, the subject of Magic Johnson came up (as it was 1992 at the time and he'd just gotten the bug), her lone comment regarding the situation was: "fucking nigger deserved it"
it was boston, what else do you expect. the city motto is latin for "we hate niggers"
I like that commercial where the white guy keeps calling the real estate agent using different minority accents and she keeps rejecting him and then he calls up and is like "Hi, I'm thurston meyer esquire III and I'm loooking for a place" and she's like "right away sir".
Hitler was under-rated.
like dig said we should kill all of you every chance we get.
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