Full Version: Power Struggle - The Regime Has Changed
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Kid Afrika Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:what is this power you speak of? its a message board for christsakes.
This power I speak of is not such power that could evict me from my home, nor change any other aspect of my life other than the part that involves this message board. What you're missing here is the fact that I am posting this grievance here, rather than voicing it to my friends and family. It is this fact alone that allows me to discern the difference between the aforementioned.

You see, this is a board issue to me, so I posted it on the board. Much the same as I do not post my life issues on the board, because they are not related to the board.

All I am saying is that the lines have been blurred and I should like to request some clarification.
someone should cut you off from the weed and the snackcakes
1. I'm on vacation this week, so no drama on the job front.

2. I haven't smoked weed in like two months.

3. I don't eat "snackcakes".
why not? snackcakes are good
I'm not much for sweets. Beer has all the sugars I need.
Honestly, I don't think there is a single "end all, go to man". 99.99999% of the decisions made here as far as changes go, are discussed upon by a thread in the mod forum. Those who contribute, contribute. Those who don't catch up on the next decision.

I think you are reading a bit too much into it but I would be more than happy to elaborate if you wish.
Whatever, god. Fuck, look at your status. You feel as though you have to answer to noone, or at least that is the aura about you.

Someone has to make the final decisions around here. Who is it?

You can't tell me that this whole thing is a democracy, because I know otherwise. I know that some things cannot stand regardless of the vote.

Have we not standards? Is there not some basic etiquette to which we should adhere?

If you had half a brain you'd realize that it's not the board that's causign IE to crash, but some people's sigs. When the sigs change, no problem. But, there's some anomaly in some posts that causes IE to crash. Yet and still, you insist that this is a problem with M$ and not "your" code.

At the end of the day, the only thing I'm reading too much into is the fact that you actually merit a reply.

My initial inquiry still stands. Who's running shit?
I thought that was the guy from the movie! Thanks for clearing that up.
I have no official power; but when I say I don't like something, Jack runs around like a battered woman to fix it.

And I was Greed, OAAWITE, and Meekrob
i could really care less if i have any power here. i just want to post. this is a silly inquiry. what good is power on a message board anyway? whoop de doo, i can move, edit, or delete posts. nobody who has the ability to do anything here beyond normal member options seems to be power tripping so whats the beef?
Jack answered your question honestly, Kid. The board runs itself, so if anybody wields the most power here, it's Jack because he coded it to do so. It is a democracy between us when there actually is something to be discussed, i.e. going public, rearranging forums, etc. All we really have to do as mods/admins is post and be active participants on the board. Occasionally we'l have to throw some ideas around if the board tends to stagnate, but it is a group process.

So stop asking already. You'll get the same answer.
this thread is amazing because I finally found who Carol was!.

Oh, you!
The terrible truth is, infact, I run everything. The board, the internet, the pentagon. It's all me.
Now that you all know my secret, i must eliminate you.
On a totally unrelated side-note, i have sent you all a very special gift. Be sure to answer your door for the delivery man. It's totally NOT a hitman.
2 Tired 2 Give N F

Teen Tomato Boys (Though I can only claim 1/2 responsibility for this one)
Danked Wrote:Jack answered your question honestly, Kid. The board runs itself, so if anybody wields the most power here, it's Jack because he coded it to do so. It is a democracy between us when there actually is something to be discussed, i.e. going public, rearranging forums, etc. All we really have to do as mods/admins is post and be active participants on the board. Occasionally we'l have to throw some ideas around if the board tends to stagnate, but it is a group process.

So stop asking already. You'll get the same answer.
yeah, what he said.

Why are you concerned with the "hierarchy of power" anyway? If you're not sure who to go to with a board problem (technical or whatever), like on any other board you would contact a mod/asst admin/or admin.

This isn't rocket science.
Galt Wrote:this thread is amazing because I finally found who Carol was!.

Oh, you!
In some thread in the future, I'll find out who you are, and then my messageboard work will be complete. And I can retire on top like Jordan did a couple times.
Kid Afrika Wrote:Whatever, god. Fuck, look at your status. You feel as though you have to answer to noone, or at least that is the aura about you.

Someone has to make the final decisions around here. Who is it?

You can't tell me that this whole thing is a democracy, because I know otherwise. I know that some things cannot stand regardless of the vote.

Have we not standards? Is there not some basic etiquette to which we should adhere?

If you had half a brain you'd realize that it's not the board that's causign IE to crash, but some people's sigs. When the sigs change, no problem. But, there's some anomaly in some posts that causes IE to crash. Yet and still, you insist that this is a problem with M$ and not "your" code.

At the end of the day, the only thing I'm reading too much into is the fact that you actually merit a reply.

My initial inquiry still stands. Who's running shit?
The only thing I actually put in my status myself was
Quote:The best there is.. The best there was.. And the best there ever will be.

And that is a wrestling reference.

And I answer to everyone. When something is wrong with the board, I do my best to fix it. Like galt said, when he tells me something is wrong or points something out that needs to be changed, it gets done to the best of my ability.

As far as the IE problem, some people have the issue here only, some have it at other sites like myself. When using a different browser, suddenly those errors are not there. Thus prompting me to believe that it is an issue with IE.

As far as me Meriting a reply, I feel the need to do so because I care.
Jack codes the board wearing a bra on his head.
We forgot to hook up the doll?

You forgot... to hook up... the doll.
Danked Wrote:Jack answered your question honestly, Kid. The board runs itself, so if anybody wields the most power here, it's Jack because he coded it to do so. It is a democracy between us when there actually is something to be discussed, i.e. going public, rearranging forums, etc. All we really have to do as mods/admins is post and be active participants on the board. Occasionally we'l have to throw some ideas around if the board tends to stagnate, but it is a group process.

So stop asking already. You'll get the same answer.
You know he's just gonna re-phrase his question just so that he can keep bitching and moaning.
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