Full Version: A bunch of spics died
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No oil=no invasion/war.
Haliburton owns a competing railroad line in Spain. COINCIDENCE???
Not for nothing but even though its tragic that those people died, we aren't responsible for the world's problems and tragic occurances. We do, however, create most of them. If the U. S. was smart, they would take no action. No one helps us unless we helped them previously.
Yeah, fuck the world!
Don't ask me for shit!
can I have some shit Alkey?
it'll match my paneling too!
Depends on my greens intake...
I want something too!!!
Maybe a beer or something
Green beer?
Green Beer is good.
Sure, you're a mick
its the liberals fault!
I blame them homosexuals
Funny, I would've thought you'd blame the jews.
them too. God has punished the community for being deviants!
Killing all those bulls and indians is catching up with them.
Theres a great little cafe in rota, that makes awesome hot dogs and french fries.
I hope this didn't affect the hot dog shipment.
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