Full Version: Rumsfeld Caught On Tape
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You thought right.
Keyser Soze Wrote:sleeper wins nothing you half wit. shouldnt you be selling imaginary stocks to your father from your new home in trashville jersey?
no one likes a sore loser
He isn't saying that Iraq poses an immediate threat, he's saying that no other state poses a greater immediate threat.

It's called spin-doctoring and I'm surprised you whiteys aren't more adept at it. I also wouldn't be surprised if Rumsfeld has passed the bar.
i have had the spins mant times and i didnt need no doctor
no one poses a more immediate threat does not mean by definition, they pose an immediate threat.
Galt Wrote:no one poses a more immediate threat does not mean by definition, they pose an immediate threat.
dat's what I'm sayin', Yo!
If you're going to be a stickler for details, you'd best be prepared to deal with semantics as a rational agrument to your point.
i refuse. semantics are for backpedalers and weasels
Thus, you should be well-adjusted.
Well, I'll tell you one thing for sure...

R. Kelly is a kid toucher.
point kid
you only say that cause you darkies stick together. i found his barb to be predictable and not very creative.
Kid is right; you are wrong.

And it's not because I always align myself with people who disagree with you; it's because I always align myself with people who agree with me. he didnt get owned right there?
he did, you hannitized goons
these people just try to start an argument out of nothing. he was stamerring after that 2nd quote. it kicked his ass.
Slightly off topic: Cheney had the greatest Freudian slip I've ever seen today, on live TV (some speech at Regan's library):
"We defeated the Taliban regime due to our advanced technology, the superior training of our soldiers, and because we came as conquerers, not lib....I mean not as conquerers, but as liberators."

I laughed my balls off.
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