4 in tha chambers new site is up. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.4inthachamber.com">http://www.4inthachamber.com</a><!-- w -->. We have pics, mp3's, a message board. All the usual bells and whistles. Only problem is the programmer sucked and its harder to navigate than the old foundrymusic site. If your browser resolution isnt set to 1024 x 768, you wont be able to see the links for pics and shit way at the bottom of the page. Also, the douche didnt make the links obvious. it took me 2 weeks to figure out that there were live pics on there as well as promo shots. Someone clued me in to click on the word live the other day. On second thought, dont check my site. It sucks and i'm ashamed.
Thanks pal. Glad i can count on you.
![[Image: 4itc_promo_06.jpg]](http://www.4inthachamber.com/art/pictures/promo/4itc_promo_06.jpg)
(screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
which brooding, angst filled young tyke are ya?
Did that one guy make you all compare penises before he bought that shirt?
No link? I'm pretty lazy.
The best question would be "how can you call yourself '4 in tha chamber' when there's five of you?"...
"Bobby - Anthony - Pat - Dave - Robb"
By the way, scroll bars would be nice since I can't get to all of the pics, mp3s, or the news...
I'm also disappointed that I don't see the logo I made for you anywhere on the site.
Bad zooty!
Edited By Kid Afrika on 1079572534
My friends and I used to write messages on our walls and ceilings too....
when we were 13 years old!
there are scroll bars in the form of hard to see and find drawn arrows
You're right, there are. But could they be in a less intuitive location? Not to mention the fact that they totally blend into the background.
Overall, great concept for a site. Bad execution.
im on 1152 resolution and i still had to struggle to see the links. you need to sue your web designer
I agree. I'd kick his ass if he didnt live in England. I'm the brooding tyke on the left, there are scroll bars that are basically invisible, there are only 4 of us now, the name sucks donkey balls, and all that shit on the walls was from the last 5 bands who rented the room before us. Happy? Kid, your design is one of our t-shirts, and it looks pretty good. If you want one, e-mail me your address. But be warned, if i remember you correctly, we dont have one that will fit you. But it will make a nice keepsake.
I would've placed the guy on the right as a message-board-type first.
-The guitar riffs are cliche' (solos are a lost art btw)
-The bass and drums aren't thick or loud enough (the drummer actually sound like he sucks a little bit)
-The singer sounds like Glen Benton-lite and the spoken parts are a direct rip off of Slayer
This band might get you some pussy, but don't quit your day jobs.
DIG should be on the panel of judges for the next season of American Idol.
Thanks for crushing my ego, dig. Okay, one out of the three songs i'll admit is a bit cliche' sounding, but not all of them. Of course, its the one that was written before i was in the band.
And there were solos, and a whole seperate rhythm section, but we discovered in the recording process that our second guitar player was god-awful, and we had to delete all his tracks, including solos. And thats on stuff HE WROTE.
My drummer is very good. I'm not sure which parts you think sound like he sucks, but it's not the case.
And i cant comment on the spoken parts sounding like slayer. I dont write lyrics.
I still say we fuckin' ROCK :5:
And i'm not gonna forget that insult, sweet angel. It was a bad angle, okay?
One more thing. I'm sure i know this, but i cant remember. Who's glen benton?
Edited By Zootybang on 1079630581
Quote:One more thing. I'm sure i know this, but i cant remember. Who's glen benton?
Just imagine what someone who actually knows about and is in this industry will do to your ego. Do some homework or be content with getting trailor park girls. Not that that's a bad thing....