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I have 5 PCs networked in my house. 2 laptops and 3 desktops. None of them have problems with dropping off the network but my desktop constantly seems to loose its connection to the wireless network.

The strange thing is, the only way it seems to reconnect is when i go into the device manager and uninstall my wireless nic and then scan for new devices. then, i am able to re-establish my wireless connection.

any ideas?
Run a cable from your desktop to the router?

Suck The Jays' dick?

Uninstall the wireless device, reboot, install driver for wireless device, reboot, enjoy newfound happiness.

Punch arpi in the head.

Download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website.
How often does it happen?

We have to reboot the router every few days. Prior to that, one of the (two) computers would get dropped occasionally. Dunno why, but it seems to make everything run smoother, too.
Update the Wireless NIC card's drivers. Update the firmware for your Wireless access point. Move or rotate (think AM antennae) the Wireless Access Point somewhere else. Build a new desktop.
Are you using a portable phone or a microwave when this ?drop? occurs? If so, it could be caused by interference on the 2.4 GHz frequency.

i tried updating the drivers already. the firmware is the latest version on my router. i tried moving the router and my antennas. i think i might have to format and reinstall Win XP. i think its a software thing.