Full Version: I've Got A Question - for all of you
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how many times do you think keyser has sent in an audition tape to be on either Road Rules or Real World?
I bet he calls himself "Eric Nies" in the mirror.
you didn't guess.
guesses aren't witty!

ok 6
im guessing 3.
even I have sent in 3
i only TIVO real world and the real world road rules challenge, but i've never applied to either show. however, i'd like to apply for the apprentice.
that wasn't a very funny answer
he is definitely lying.
if he was lying, there would be a redhead involved Rolleyes
nice execution.
ok, we need to start a petition to get keyser on the apprentice.
he really could use the support
his company is burying him and he could really use a promotion.
start that petition right after you sign the petition to get angus released on dvd
there are a few movies that come ahead of angus.

Class Act being one of them.
I would win the Apprentice.

FYI: NIck the "super" salesperson, is one of the worst salespeople I've witnessed. He talks down to people, he talks over people, he doesn't listen; it's amazing. He's atrocious.

I can't believe that Sleeper auditioned three times. Just shocked.
Yea, I didn't actually audition 3 times
Galt would wow the donald with his story of how he caught arpi lying about making dough of a stock. Then donald would say "you mean arpikarhu? He's a good friend and he didn't lie cause we both were involved in the same deal and I also made a killing... you sir are fired!!"
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