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I thought I was showing indifference, but feel free to interpret it however you like.
If any of you motherfuckers touch my sig pic, I'll gut you with a broken bear bottle.
I think you're in the clear there, "tough guy".
Those bear bottles have sharp claws.

Edited By diceisgod on 1081391217
Jays' status/etc is pretty ridiculous, but most of them are a'ight. Without the scroll wheel it probably would get really bothersome.

Question for the coders: could statuses be turned on and off like sig-pics?
Could they be made to scroll if they are longer than one line?
this is the lamest complaint ever
Yours is the lamest retort ever.

Why would anyone argue that long statuses are a good thing?

And anyway, you're not being told to change anything, it's merely a suggestion that you can choose to follow or not to follow. The choice is yours.

But seriously, does it give you some feeling of accomplishment that a single post from you takes up the whole screen?

Do you think there's anyone that hasn't seen the volumes of shit that is your status?

Do you think that anyone really cares how many posts you have or where you're "from"?
Quote:Could they be made to scroll if they are longer than one line?

nope - that would actually be awful.

the only person arguing about the statuses is YOU - noone else seems to care how big or small they are. Plus, as you've repeatedly said, it's a "suggestion" - I think everyone here has noted it, but noone seems to want to follow it. Therefore, let it go.
Just explain to me what the argument is for it. That's what I'm asking all of you.

I understand that nobody is complaining. Hell, I'm not even really complaining. I'm just following the thread and looking to have a discussion about something that could make the board more enjoyable for everyone.

Sure, I'm extremely biased because I think it's ridiculous that you can only fit one post per 1024x768 page. But I think it's more ridiculous that you can't see the incredible waste of space that you are arguing to keep.

Again, I'm not asking you to change it at this point, I'm just asking why you think it should remain.

If you are just lazy and don't want to change everybody's status, or expose yourself as the lamer that you truly are because you don't know how to execute the changes, that's fine. Just admit it.

If you really enjoy reading the same 10 people's overly long statuses, then say that. But, just answer the charge with something other than "nobody else is complaining". Because, at the risk of being repetitive, I'm not telling you to change it, I'm only trying to understand why you would argue against it.
Not including your location doesn't make your status any shorter FYI.

I, for one, would be all for removing the joined date and the skulls which have absolutely no point. The member ratings, also pretty useless, but not TOTALLY useless.

Statuses in general rarely get cleaned out. Things often get added, but rarely does it replace something lame or outdated.

Per usual, Kid has a valid point, but he has sullied the opinion by harping on it and responding ad nauseum to everything that is said.
It's what I do. It's ALL I do.
I have a small idea floating in my head after perusing this thread...

I can create another skin and remove all the stuff other than the username, the bar that shows when it was posted along with the edit/quote buttons, the post itself (minus sigs) and the bottom bar that has links to profile and such.

I will try and give it a go this weekend - Nothing guaranteed though. It will most likely be a spinoff of the blue skin unless there is any objection to it.
Quote:Sure, I'm extremely biased because I think it's ridiculous that you can only fit one post per 1024x768 page. But I think it's more ridiculous that you can't see the incredible waste of space that you are arguing to keep.

Again, I see the "waste of space" point, but it's been like that from day 1 and I'm not about to change it because you think it would "make the board better" - I fail to see how that would make it any better, except maybe smaller in size on your precious monitor screen. You know what would make the board better? Relevant posting! Not posts that bitch about skulls and post counts. Your'e acting like these are all new oprions, yet they've been there all the time.

Quote:Again, I'm not asking you to change it at this point, I'm just asking why you think it should remain.

If you are just lazy and don't want to change everybody's status, or expose yourself as the lamer that you truly are because you don't know how to execute the changes, that's fine. Just admit it.

you're looking for it to be changed, don't twist it into something else - and I do have a good idea as to how it could be changed, but I think it would be a) difficult and b) quite simply not worth the time & effort to do anything about. It's a board setting - deal with it. As for statuses, if you have an issue with Jays, or Arpi, or whoever - PM them and ask them to contact myself or any other mod/admin, and we'll gladly clean it out. If they dont want to remove it, so be it - personally, I hope those who have them keep them (because I love to waste space)

Quote:If you really enjoy reading the same 10 people's overly long statuses, then say that. But, just answer the charge with something other than "nobody else is complaining". Because, at the risk of being repetitive, I'm not telling you to change it, I'm only trying to understand why you would argue against it.

Well, then I'll try not to be repetitve but I guess I'll have to when I say I wont put any restrictions on sig size, status size or anything else because that would imply rules which, again, I feel aren't needed - at least in this regard.

So again, your suggestions are noted - the post count, skulls, location, etc will stay - those are hard coded, and I prefer that not be touched because I want to waste the 10 pixels they take up - statuses will be amended upon request by whoever wants THEIRS "cleaned up". If thats not up to your liking, thats just too bad.
Personally, I like sigs, and avatars... it's just that they seem to have been taken beyond the extreme. Add to that, the 20 line status and... well, you get the point.
are you all really this bored that its come to arguing about this? good god
see, now I like Hedcold's new sig!
i'm soooo cool my post takes up like 2 screens!
s-u-c-c-e-s-s, thats the way you spell success!
I guess I'll have to increase my screen resolution to catch up! oh noes!!
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