Full Version: there is too much
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stuff attached to posts,
all the sig lines,
whistles and bells,
make every post 10 inches long,
and threads painful to read.
When a majority of our regular posters start complaining, I'll give a shit.

Have a nice day.
to be honest, at 1024 x 768, one post basically takes up the whole screen. That's pretty ridiculous, but not enough that I would've started a thread about it.
that's the difference between you and I,

I am proactive, and seek to help.
yeah, it doesn't really bother me that much. just scroll. and you can turn off the sigpics
you never support me trish,
and I hate you for it.
that's not true and you know it
Actually, I just knew that nothing would be done about it so I didn't waste the energy.

And Tricia, you can turn off sig pics, but can you turn off...


I think there's just way too much info there. And then when you add in the 300 character status that doesn't scroll, it only gets bigger.
just admit you are my bitch Afrika,
Gonzo is gonna use my cell phone camera to click the money shot.
you don't post here often enough ken so, fuck you and what you think.
If I posted more,
this place would be more fun,
do your best to please me.
I've done what I can. I hope that helps.

Have a nice day.
my status is really really long.
Danked Wrote:I've done what I can. I hope that helps.

Have a nice day.
you could do the same for kid, but then i guess he'd start another thread objecting to that. not that it would hurt to have a few more threads around here

and laz, be nice to ken
I <3 evil Danked
Ha, I did something myself to help solve the problem.

Now, if we could just get rid of that stupid rating box *edit - and the skulls and the post count and the location.

Edited By Kid Afrika on 1081364046
i have to agree with ken on this one. i'm to blame with some of my sigs, i need to do some housecleaning.

we're not the only board with big cluttered sigs and the shit over <----- there though.
Kid Afrika Wrote:Ha, I did something myself to help solve the problem.

Now, if we could just get rid of that stupid rating box *edit - and the skulls and the post count and the location.
but you still have an avatar
I don't see a problem with statuses - people have had longer ones before. Just use the scroll, it's not that hard.

And as was stated, if you don't like the sigs, just turn them off.
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