In my opinion, she is not doing a very good job defending herself or the President. She is giving double talk answers. Richard Ben-Veniste is stopping her. This is funny as hell.
You expected any different? She's doing her job. She's covering master Bush's ass.
You're such a commie Keyser.
I just turned this crap on and I must say I don't like the gap between her teeth or her face for that matter. Why couldn't Bush get some real POA, instead of this nappy haired shovel faced hoe?
Commie? I find the liberal commentary entertaining. I don't agree with all their rhetoric, but its entertaining nonetheless.
Good backpedal, I'm surprised you're not running for Vice President with Ralph Nader or is that more of your Metrosexual tendencies coming out?
thanks for the compliment!
she looks like a fine housecleaner.
id be scared to vote for bush with her being his national security advisor.
id be to vote for bush b/c in 3 years there has been zero difference or policies set, and don't hand me the 9/11 stuff...any administration would have done something in place to investigate, etc. while bush is in office...his so-called job work has actually been a 2 million dropoff in jobs. He has been ineffective, disorganized, argumentative, and just plain obtuse.
Quote:Under questioning, Rice acknowledged that she had spoken too broadly once when she said that no one had ever envisioned terrorists using planes and crashing them into buildings. She said that aides came to her within days and said there had been reports or memos about that possibility, but that she hadn't seen them.
Now that is fucking insane
Edited By Black Lazerus on 1081440421
Rice is in the position where she and the rest of the administration knew they failed, but cannot actually admit it because they cant afford to lose face when they are so close to the next election. I wouldnt be surprised if excerpts from this hearing find their way into Kerry's commercials sometime in the future.
cunilingus rice, sounds like a mexican dish. Maybe we should send her down to mexico and let the mexicans eat her, white power!!!
We been fighting a war with al qaeda, yet we're losing the war with al sharpton... I still smell niggers, white power!!!
theres nothing wrong with you, theres something wrong with will....hes a homosexual.
when in doubt, gonzo goes to the nigger jokes. lord knows i have seen this act before.
i still love you though, my punim.
It wasn't a nigger joke, both were quotes from the Clayton Bigsby sketch from Chappelle's show in which he mentioned Condelleza Rice. I only mentioned the second cause of my dissapointment that laz missed the reference. Furthermore I explain it now cause I feel sad for an old man out of touch with today's youth yet trying so hard to fit in and be hip.
my post was also a quote from said Bigsby speech.