Grumpy Wrote:...continue droolin down Barch's neck til he gets here.
He likes me. He really likes me

I hate the people on my bus.
So I play the Venga Boys real loud.
Edited By Ken'sPen on Mar. 22 2002 at 11:34
::pushes ladi in chum pool::
OK Angel have a seat!!!
Somewhere up front, where you can watch my back!
Heyyyyyyyyy!!! Who peed in my helmet and shit on my raincoat??!!??!! 'Fess up now or it's gonna get real ugly on this bus! :pissed:
Real ugly on a bus full of retards????
You don't say.
Have a seat, squaw.
A'rrrrrrrrright.....I'm sittin', I'm sittin'.

You know....
If ya sit injun style, I can look up yer skirt in the rear view.
:crosses fingers for commando:

miling & drooling::
LZMF1 Wrote:i like tyco race tracks!!
that's about all i drive!!!
i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv the loop-dee-loop!
But I hate the fucking wall cliumbers. That's fuckin impossible to do a 180 turn at enough speed not to get stuck and slow enough not to fly off the fuckon track.
Can I drive the bus now? Please? Were headin for the fuckin contruction site! Or did no-one notice the rumple strip when we hit it?
Arthur Dent Wrote:LZMF1 Wrote:i like tyco race tracks!!
that's about all i drive!!!
i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv the loop-dee-loop!
But I hate the fucking wall climbers. That's fuckin impossible to do a 180 turn at enough speed not to get stuck and slow enough not to fly off the fuckon track.
Can I drive the bus now? Please? Were headin for the fuckin contruction site! Or did no-one notice the rumple strip when we hit it?
see, i'm not the only one!!!!
hey arthur, nice helmet. is that one of those new look JOFA helmets or a CCM?
Arthur Dent Wrote:Can I drive the bus now? Please? Were headin for the fuckin contruction site! Or did no-one notice the rumple strip when we hit it?
Hey if you don't like the driving get the fuck out.
It's hard with no brakes and all.
Ken'sPen Wrote:It's hard with no brakes and all.
Why don't you throw yourself under the wheels the next time you need to stop...maybe it will help. Would sure as hell give the retards here a reason to bang their heads against the wall in joy.
Luna me think it about time that animal in your lap get haircut

big beaver pelt keep um squaw warm in winter.
Hey....if you people are going to come into my home while i'm away at least try and defile it properly. And the driver of this tart cart is who I appoint it to be :thumbs-up:
our fearless leader is back!
ken STINKS!!!!
Ken'sPen Wrote:big beaver pelt keep um squaw warm in winter.
:lol: :roflmao:
NaughtyAngel Wrote:::pushes ladi in chum pool::
Like pushing her in the chum pool matters? where do you think most of the chum came from in the first place?
ok ill tell ya. most of it came from her canker cooter. so that is just as bad as you swallowing your own spit. IT DOESNT MATTER!
I had chili yesterday.....can't wait for it to come out....may flood the chum pool though :bouncer:
Hey Snuk, did ya see the article I sent you on modern medical nightmares? Ladi's thunder gash was the topic....

niff: she's finally made it big