To do your taxes!
I'm a block away from the post office. Who needs me to file an extension for them?
Nevermind. Guess you're shit out of luck.
i sent everything out last month. wanted it all done before vacation.
you procrastinators you.
I have yet to see my refund checks.
I think I did something wrong.
me too. what the hell is taking them so long.
I did mine in February and got both of my refunds - the state one took forever, tho (got it last week)
i got my state refund today!
i got my refunds, my dad did mine early since it was easy to do :thumbs-up:
I am only paying like 5% taxes this year. Granted, I only worked 3 months, but still it seems too low.
I'm going to jail.
i got my federal refund weeks ago, still waiting on my 90 bucks from the state...
my dad hasnt given me my refund for the 2 years i worked, im going to sue his jew ass.
you and quickstop should start a class action suit.
I got my federal refund back in February. Gotta love e-filing.
Oh, and there's no state taxes in Nevada. I think that's the only positive thing about Nevada, other than the weather in the southern part of the state.
Seriously, why do you fuckers wait so long to do your taxes? Do you not get your W2s early in the year, or do you just procrastinate? Personally, I can't wait to get my money. I file as soon as I get my W2.
I got mine a few weeks ago, it was less than I expected but surprisingly "message board server bills" isn't a business expense.
I'm goin to the 99 cent store, anyone need me to get them something?
I checked and they ain't have none but I did get the nails I needed, 200 for a dollar.