Full Version: you all suck
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Stop being a sycophant and post something worth reading Keyser....

make up another story about banging a hot chick.
a sycophant to who? the board is owned by the people who post here. they ultimately determine the quality of the board. i'll take our members over any other board out there.
Hey Ken what's the matter, did Entunlimited close down and the Doors board break all in the same week???

Leave the old Arpi gag're not as good at it has he was....
you are no judge of who is better at what
Keyser Soze Wrote:its still head and shoulders above what else is out there.
List ten reasons why. I'm curious.
I can give you 323 reasons.
Keyser wins.
#1 - We have a picture of hitler not just holding a baby but smiling, try finding another one of those!!
don't forget a picture of me and then a picture of Norm McDonald right under Hitler. Talk about a trifecta
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