Full Version: Come on Galt....
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chocolate without peanut butter!
Galt would get my vote - then maybe he could put one of those "mark all posts as read" buttons up :thumbs-up:
you can thank Jack, errrrrr I mean Opus for that.
there's finally a button?
i meant you can blame him for the lack thereof.
ahh, well I already do - Galt would make sure Opus got on the fucking ball with that.
like the principal of an all retard school
he's the perfect man for the job.
Galt and I could have a death match. Two men enter, one man leaves, as a mod. He has a formidable defense, certainly doesnt have a glass jaw. I would have to plan my attacks.
somehow I don't think it would be of "deathmatch" caliber.
Come on, Im tough. Really. I am. Oh, you mean Galts a pussy. Oh, ok. Nevermind.
isnt there a slurpee machine somewhere that needs fixing?
I haven't had a slurpee in years - I used to mix the cherry and coke flavors. So tasty!!
Keyser Soze Wrote:isnt there a slurpee machine somewhere that needs fixing?
No, but if you give me a bottle of fire water Ill go away.
sorry, i forgot you're one of my kind. i'm 1/8 blackfoot.
Thats kinda like having 1/8th of a $500 monopoly bill.
i want my casino dammit
Can I be the muscle?
Rooner Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:irregardless, it would be high comedy if he were given the opportunity
Doesnt matter, its a mute point.
you mean moo point, like the cow
And you guys have the nerve to say I suck?
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