Full Version: Come on Galt....
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Pages: 1 2 3
well you do.
Yeah, I do, but you guys let stuff like THAT pass? Not to mention MODDING the person? Interesting.
how do you explain Toronto Hottie and Hawt Bawx?
Keyser Soze Wrote:how do you explain Toronto Hottie and Hawt Bawx?
Well, you see Keyser, the mommy meets the daddy in a seedy bar, then she takes him in the back alley...........
my apologies for using a friends joke. but it was a joey joke so it's not that bad. it's not like everybody doesn't already know my humour capabilities are lacking. but that's irrelevent; i think my point was made.
you're supposed to be on my side, damnit
show me your balls and I'm there.
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