i thought it was audio from a porno. I was shocked when I found
its true origin.
totally 3, maybe 4, weeks ago
What the hell does that site do? I thought it was only an O&A thing.
no, they have all sorts of shit on foundry.
shit being the word to focus on.
Definitely a month ago...it is some funny shit
Quote:Thanks to our own FOUNDRYMUSIC JEFF for finding this gem!
you could trip over this clip - it was everywhere, and more than 4 weeks ago too.
i'm gonna assume then that i've seen it and the fact that going to foundry crashed my shity ass comp is something i shall live with and move on.
<img src=http://img2.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Goatweed/misc/herpes.gif>
are you offering me herpes? that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me
no, sadly I have none to offer - but Foundry apparently does, since that classy ad runs on practically every page over there.
what kind of fucked up pornos do you watch, keyser?
When i first heard it i thought it was from some kind of porno also.
not really the type of porno im into, but it sounds like audio in the vein of some of the slap happy style porn.
slaphappy is disturbing yet extremely entertaining to watch.
It's when you choke the bitch with your cock and smack her in the face with it.
Oh, you meant the link...
I like when they make them wear a toilet seat like a necklace.