can someone explain to me what they are??? i hadnt been around this board in a while... missed their installation...what r u rating?
you only got a 9 because of the whole anal thing
if i knew about the hot dogs it would have been an 8, possibly a 7
but... what are u rating???
because its there
i dunno why we use it, it gave us something to talk about for a few days but after that we didn't care anymore
seriously. Why the fuck haven't you posted your picture yet.
um read my post thanks...
Oh my God. I'm am seriously starting to lose patience here. Do you see how many posts I have? How long I've been posting here? There's no reason to be taking this long.
you're getting close to 10000
you should start thinking about a good one so you can top sleepers
My 10,000th will be naked pictures of Copellia
people never spell my name right...
He can't spell most words right.
If we just added The Dude's neckfat could be a South Park freak
i just got the heebie jeebies thinking about that
The unfunniest thread of the night is now complete.