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Pages: 1 2 3
yeah, things tend to change in 6 months...
yeah....I know.

Rub. It. In.
you. know. i. will.
who the hell is kindred?
if you split up her name you get Kind Red.
nice indian?
very good!
where's my cookie????

I'm Red, for short.
bloody tampon red?
At this point in time, yet.

Check back next week. All should be clear. Smile
Hot!! fedexplzthx
fedex the tampon?
absolutely! you want half?
Only half?
well yeah - 50/50.

wtf, you want more?
I'm greedy.

Tell you what... 75/25 and I'll pay the shipping and handling.
no deal - looks like I'm taking the whole thing.

just wait till next month and get the next one.
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