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I think... actually I hope he meant flashing (his gun)... I didnt read the gayness into it but you can always be counted on to find the gay when even I can't.
GonzoStyle Wrote:A smack in the mouth and you'd drop to your knees like a bitch and cry.
Depending on the hit, a concussion most likely or a coma. You are twice my size so given the situation I would have no choice but to defend myself.
... you mean you'd shoot me? but, we was friends... friends!!!! :29:
Did I say I'd shoot you?

There's more then one way to skin a cat.
Someone teach Galt the word 'brandish'.
He tries any of that high brow sarcasm on his new wife and she'll teach him.
Brandish your Boobs!!!!
what kinda fuckin queer are you, listening to party all the time, for fuckin shame.
So when the guns are all in the hands of either A) State, or B) Criminals, or both, why again shouldn't law-abiding citizens not be allowed to own them?

The second amendment protects us from tyranny. One would hope that Dubya's administration would reinforce that.
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