The Jesus Factor
You can watch it on that site. It's an interesting documentary about how Bush became an evangelical Christian. Watch it if you have any doubts that Bush is any different than those wacky Jesus freaks on the 700 club.
I would but I had enough yesterday when the two people who sit by me drained any interest in discussing or hearing of religion anymore.
This one chick is a major born again and she was reading the bible, I aint say nothing at first but just to strike up a convo I asked her what she was reading even though I knew.
She says the bible, I say oh thats cool. She says "yeah I have a test this week"
a test?
Yeah I go to bible study and they give us a test on stuff we had to read that week.
So I says whats the test on this week, she says shes reading genesis and they're reading about Noah.
Now she fuckin forced it upon herself, she already pretty much knows how I am, she shouldnt have fuckin asked me what I thought of the story of Noah, SHE FUCKIN ASKED!!!
So I said it's a ok story but like most other things it makes no sense at all, the message is a good one I guess but it's just silly to believe a wino could fit every form of life on earth onto a wooden boat.
She just lost it and started with the whole "with gods help" I said "what he picked up a hammer and some nails, no he didnt fuckin help he was too busy getting ready to wipe out the rest of civilization, very nice buddy.
Then she starts calling me uneducated cause Noah wasnt a drunk and wanted me to prove it, I said Im not the jesus freak I dont quote the bible but its fuckin in there.
All day she ridicules me and made me read fuckin genesis until I found it for her and then all she says was "oh thats nonsense" and just walks away.
Shes one of those people who says god does things for a reason and puts people in places to help them and loves all.
I said pish posh, god said he wouldnt interfere anymore after the whole Noahs Ark debacle, if you actually believe the bible. I said otherwise then slavery, war, famine, the holocaust, the plauge, 9/11 and all the horrible shit thats happened was his will?
yes, he works his wonders...
well, he had a reason
yeah but..
Then she starts in on the 10 commandments
Yeah thanks I know about that, those were given to moses and the jews and are in the torah, you fucks just plagerized it so back off!!!
did you actually say pish posh?
Actually, yes I did and I remembered because I felt so gay for saying it but I pretended that it never happened and no one questioned me.
I always thought it was "pish tosh"
i have never heard pish tosh
diceisgod Wrote:Jesus freaks are awesome
I'm quite sure I also said "horse feathers" several times.
Jesus freaks are awesome cause its so easy to fuck with them and they are among the most contradictory and hypocritical people on earth, especially the born agains.
This chick is barely 22 years old and she has 3 kids, dropped out of high school in the 10th grade cause she was a junkie and is still doing community service and takes the bus to school cause he license was revoked after her umpteenth DUI.
when i was in vegas some druggie with a kid stopped to tell us how she became born again and all this stuff and that it hasn't helped her. i have no idea what point she was trying to make, but i felt really bad for the kid who was getting dragged around with these weirdos at 10 pm doing their imitation of jesus carrying the cross. i also tried really really hard not to laugh at her.
God don't put food in your belly.
yea, thats what confused me. she asked if we were catholic and me and jessica said yes, and then if we were born again and we said no and went on about how you have to be born again to get into heaven, then she went on about how god hasn't helped her even though she went to him for help
like i said, i have no idea what her point was. i don't think she did either. we did get a spiffy jesus comic though.
I think if you're looking for jesus vegas would be a bad place to start. But barring that I wonder if jesus is a blackjack or roulette type, or does he perfer the slots. I guess since he was jewish it'd probably be slots.
she is the worst evangelist ever.
i think the comic was about how jesus doesn't help. too bad i don't still have it
so she was trying to convert you to believe in a god who hasnt helped her in anyway since she converted? That's definetly a new sales technique.
i don't know what she was trying to do
but that poor kid :disappointed: