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look at gooch going all golden age on us
that is exactly what i was imagining. just with darker hair.
Gooch Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:so says you.
if he was so great, maybe you shouldn't have removed him from your Dummyschool board.
it wasn't I that removed him - in fact, he removed me/blocked me from his AIM.

it helps to know the whole story :thumbs-up:
I saw pics of her a year ago.

This is old news.
and you didn't post them..... that is why you will never be great.
Jack Wrote:I saw pics of her a year ago.

This is old news.
What were you 10?

Just didn't base my whole entire experience regarding posting around what I thought might be the hottest chick on the internet.
She can still touch me!

hook her up with eli
Eli is no Maymay.
good point
Keyser Soze Wrote:i must be lying if you think so
AHA! finally you confess! vindication is mine!
IrishAlkey Wrote:Eli is no Maymay.
i miss my maymay more than you can imagine. :-(
I miss maymay's ftp.
it was easily the best ftp site for music in the nation.
the speed at which one got music from it was glorious.
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