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they dont freeze totally solid, they get almost like a sherbet - trust me, give it a try.
I'll let you know how it was but I hope its better than the crazy idea I got earlier this week about putting cheese on my cornbread.
know what else is good frozen? a can of mandarin oranges. awesome!
im going to try the grapes today
Is your woman going to be feeding them to you?
the redhead feeds him grapes nightly
I'm not impressed....
Frozen grapes fucking rule!!!!! I've been doing that for years and years.

Like chocolate candy bars are all better when frozen. Cold makes it more tastey!

I like chemistry!
JimmyBlueEyes Wrote:I'm not impressed....
if she was a foot shorter and a ton larger you'd be allover her.
personally, those photos don't tell much, and she seems cute enough. and, she's seems a lot more social than most of us.
More social. Indeed. You might say she has a very large appeitite for life.
If you're gonna get off on bashing someone who never did anything but be kind to people around here because of a couple blurry pictures then she isn't the one who should be embarassed. Especially since most of you genetic malformaties have either been out or been seen in pictures, none of you has any place to critique.

The suzie thing was one thing, she was drunk and she participated and its expected of someone of her nature to do something dumb like that and it was wrong on some level.

Barring that she was and is one of the sweetest people any of us have ever and will ever come across and this is how you fuckin treat her when shes not even here to defend herself, nice fuckin way to live.
oh dip!
I've never met her. That gives me a right to be unreasonably mean. That's what messageboards are for.
Quote:Barring that she was and is one of the sweetest people any of us have ever and will ever come across and this is how you fuckin treat her when shes not even here to defend herself, nice fuckin way to live.

Once again this is all Keysers fault. Anyone see a pattern?
no, it wasn't keysers fault, it was given to keyser by someone who knew what he would do.
So once again he's a willing dupe for forces of evil.
precisely. his rage for failing with the redhead comes out once again
Quote:If you're gonna get off on bashing someone who never did anything but be kind to people around here because of a couple blurry pictures then she isn't the one who should be embarassed. Especially since most of you genetic malformaties have either been out or been seen in pictures, none of you has any place to critique.

Right. Get it?
You were smart to keep the helmet on.
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