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because I'm saving myself
The Sleeper Wrote:why don't you 2 just have sex already
I'd love to buddy but she's all yours, bros befo' ho's.
No, she's a lesbian now
I'm not a lesbian!!! I'm asexual
The Sleeper Wrote:No, she's a lesbian now
GOOD WORK SLEEPER!!!!!! Confusedneak:
I'm the anti Ben Affleck
lush Wrote:I'm not a lesbian!!! I'm asexual
asexual my ass i have heard stories.

I'm turning over a new leaf
yeah seriously you're asexual and I don't masturbate allover the floor like a filthy animal, come on.
The Sleeper Wrote:I'm the anti Ben Affleck
thus, you're the jason lee
but didn't you say you cause wetspots when you masturbate?
She's a squirter?
she's a godsend.
I have never slept in the wet spot and never will.
who can sleep with all that fuckin goin on?
Don't I know it. I once sleepwalked but with sex. That was cool cause I heard I was really good.
If she's a squirter I will make her my wife.
Not if I make her my wife first!!!
lush Wrote:I have never slept in the wet spot and never will.
hahahah i would ... but i won't
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