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on mozilla if there's no source picture instead of showing a red x it doesn't show anything. since on the black skin of this board the quote button doesn't show up, on mozilla i can't use it at all. can someone just upload some sort of button to the location it points to? or if i make a quote button you just upload it to that?

the location is
jack has the ftp login, i dont have it so i cant upload it.
Is it bad that I may have forgotten that information?
but you can ask the host.
get the password!
I will fix it as soon as I can get back on broadband and get the username and password.

It would take 3 years for me to connect let alone upload an image on this connection.
if you can get the login, or hook me up with the contacts on the host, i can do the uploading.
and if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he hops.
I think it's fixed. Now get off my back.
thanks about making that "click to open smilies" button work :11:
It will never work with Mozilla. Mozilla just doesn't understand it.

I think I will just remove it.

Those with dialup... too bad. I suffered with it so can you.

Oh.. and btw... the blue skin (my finest creation I might add) is pretty Mozilla friendly as its the one I use. :-D
i find the black one more pleasing on the eyes

but how come sometimes with mozilla posts will stretch out to the whole web page while other times it wont? it happened when i had to use safari too. is that just it not reading all the html tags properly?
Its possible, but then again, the mac always had problems showing ikonboard. Even with IE.

Also, I have hacked this board to bits... its starting to show.

A clean install would definately not hurt this place. Maybe even an upgrade to 3.1.2a.

Something I will have to think about.
i was just coming here to post about the smileys being all out there again. but i guess you know about that. i just payed off a credit card and i said i would go to dsl once i did, but summer's gonna be tough, i hope you realize that you're gonna make me bitchy when my page takes longer