Full Version: I'm switching from Camel Lights to Ultralights...
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cigarettes and alcohol save more lives than they take.
How so?
just smoke pot, with the price of cigarettes these days you get more bang for your $$ with a dimebag.
But, the weed to day is twenty times stronger then just twenty years ago!!!!!!
Mad Wrote:But, the weed to day is twenty times stronger then just twenty years ago!!!!!!
it's still a better deal
I know. It's one of those tired over used lame ass lies about pot.

I like Montel Williams stance on pot now, I would like to know what he thought about it before he got MS.
LZMF1 Wrote:lemme guess smoke kools or newports right?
wow, quite the cultural anthropoligist you are.
sho'nuff! my nukka!
Mad Wrote:But, the weed to day is twenty times stronger then just twenty years ago!!!!!!
funny, i always thought it was the opposite. tonight i paid 5 bucks for a pack in a bar and felt like it was a good deal
wow....i remember when a pack of smokes was under 2 bucks........a buck-seventy-five to be exact........good times....good times
crx girl Wrote:
Mad Wrote:But, the weed to day is twenty times stronger then just twenty years ago!!!!!!
funny, i always thought it was the opposite. tonight i paid 5 bucks for a pack in a bar and felt like it was a good deal
Marijuana, not that nasty tobacco.

I quit when they were at a buck fifty.
Goatweed Wrote:
Mad Wrote:But, the weed to day is twenty times stronger then just twenty years ago!!!!!!
it's still a better deal
for some reason, i need stogs more when I'm stoned than when I'm not, and I've noticed that people want cigarettes when theyre either drunk or stoned than when not, even those vehemently oppose to such.
Stop smoking weed and find the lord!!
the Lord created the weed to be smoked - duh.
The lord created poisonous mushrooms and poison ivy, you don't eat the mushrooms or roll around in the poison ivy.
i stopped smoking sometime about 2 years ago, i dont really know why, just kind of got sick of feeling like shit.
GonzoStyle Wrote:The lord created poisonous mushrooms and poison ivy, you don't eat the mushrooms or roll around in the poison ivy.
that's because they're poison - duh.
but he created them from the soil as he did marijuana.

So we need to put the word "poison" before it to make people stop, why hasn't the fuckin war on drugs people thunked of that.
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