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As human beings, over our time on this earth, we have pondered the possibility that other world's exist, much like our own. Key to this desire to know is to see how such worlds developed, how they came to be at the point at which we discover them.

Back in the messageboard world....

This board, while slow at moments, continues to produce more content than the average messageboard. Most messageboards that I come upon tend to be filled with the dull, witless, cerebral diarrhea that we abhor.

I wonder, are there any other messageboards out there with as many plotlines and stories as ours have?
i think you should go research this fully. report back to us in a year or so.
Aight bitch.
I always knew jays was an alien, those ears are just not human.
i would recruit bloddy anus for your research team. he's wonderful at statistical analysis.