Full Version: I think that the funniest poster on CDIH is
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But its so lonely eating by myself. :-(
how's that free Skinemax workin' out for ya?
there isnt an emoticon available that properly expresses how funny that last post by jack was. groundbreaking!!!
He won't return my phone calls.

I feel so used. :33:
You should be use to that by now.
ladies and gentlemen, we have a new king of comedy.
Yea you fickle assholes
i didnt need to crown Mad, he was annoited by the comedy gods themselves.
thats a fib.
someones been drinking too much haterade
you'd be comedy king 2 years ago with that gem.
im not even in the same comedy universe as these deities.
youre actually a comedy black hole.
WBK = a true comedy icon
id like to think im more of a vortex
His girlfriend is the real blackhole.
thou who makes the third solar system reference is cursed for life.
they broke the comedy mold when this guy was born.
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