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:Confusedlaps the Happy Helmet on MickyB::
::turns the dial to Kid at Christmas::
::watches his face jerk up into a big joker grin::
::he skips off to pick flowers and dance in the streets::
::gets run over by a truck::
Now why did you go and do that? You know I'm just gonna come back with a chainsaw or some shit like that?

::Gets up, sees the damaged Happy Helmet, smirks::
::Walks up to Ladi, shoves his tongue down her throat while driving a pick axe into her back::
::Goes in search of the rest of the Camp Crystal Lake kids::
:: still horny ::
:: realizes NA is the only thing that can be fucked without trying to kill ya ::
:: makes a deposit to the back of her throat ::
:: leaves whistling ::
::grabs B by his ears, heaves egg salad all oer the front of him::
Brush you teeth ever dude? eww
::takes out staple gun, secures B to the floor::
::comes back with a large sword fish, shoves it down B's throat, and watches it come out his ass::
:Confusedhoves unshelled peanuts up his nose::

Ok, time to go home from work, gave a good weekend kids!
What the fuck? I was leaving...

::Pulls up from staples like Gulliver form the Lilliputian bondage and then goes after Ladi on her way out::
::Pins Ladi against the wall and performs a "Farmer's Blow" into her face to clear his nose of peanuts::
::Takes a chainsaw to her breasts and then wears the left one as a yamulke while dancing some Jewish dance he saw at some classmate's Bar Mitzvah when he was a kid::
::Finishes dance as Ladi recovers from shock and smacks her silly with an Igloo cooler which holds a case of beer which will be shared with anyone who helps to destroy Ladi::
::Drinks first beer as Ladi lays unconcious on the ground::
Quote::Confusedlaps the Happy Helmet on MickyB::
::turns the dial to Kid at Christmas::
::watches his face jerk up into a big joker grin::

::does the Happy Dance with LZ:: :bouncer:
::Drinks next beer as the retards for him::
:: Brains Mc B with a Louisville Slugger::

:: Hey look, free beer ::
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