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LunaBabe Wrote:ok, no tape, huh? How about barbed wire?
ok, I do like the tape, just can't tell Metal that. He's a psycho. Wink Barbed wire...... ok, we'll try it out on Ken first.

Where's the Jackhammer, we need to dig him back out of the floor. ........ here's a plug.......

::puts plug in the wall:: BBBBZZZZZZZTTTT ::light's dim::
Ooops, that was the electric chair plug, I zapped Snuka...... now what do we do with him? Can you hear me, blink twice for yes.......
Im fine Im fine. not use to this.

im usually the one throwing the switch :bouncer:

i need help getting up though ladi
Oh good, you're ok :Confusedteps on his hand getting to the barbed wire::

::wraps up Ken & throws him in a trunk::
::drags it outside & throws in down the hill::
Hey..dont forget this is OUR trailer!! Carefull with that trunk im need it for some bodies i have in the dungeon. Funny usually only the guy in a white trash family wears the wife beater. you wear it more than i do.

spsp ppsps ppss pps spsps ..... here LZ, where are youuuuu?

Can someone help Snuka up?
Ya know Ladi, I am not the most intuitive person, but I seem to be picking up some negative vibes from you.
sorry, i was checking out my new hockey helmet by running headfirst, full speed into a brick wall.

it works, i'm ok. i feel bad for the wall though.

ladi, i'd be more than happy to give you a hand.
LZMF1 Wrote:ladi, i'd be more than happy to give you a hand.
Could you smell my hand, I don't know where it's been

What ever do you mean Ken? Aren't we just all having fun....
::holds him down, plugs in power drill::
::drills thru his ear, into his brain::
::pours in some hot tar, corks the hole with this dick I found under the couch::
Hey Ladi Wrote:
LZMF1 Wrote:ladi, i'd be more than happy to give you a hand.
Could you smell my hand, I don't know where it's been
sniff....sniff. hey that smells like my ass crack!!! were you fondling me while i was licking the windows?
Yes, yes I was. Who do we abuse today?
i dunno, i'm a retard. you tell me. btw thanks for playing with my buttocks and junk! you really know how to treat a man.

do you wanna find out what i can do with my enormous tongue?
If you can lick my brain from the inside, you're a shoe-in! hell, you could put your shoe in there too if you want.
baby, i will rock your world!

did i mention that i wear a size 12 shoe?

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 28 2002 at 11:00
So will someone untie me???

or feed me???
what's the magic word?
lemme talk it over with ladi and snuka and i'll get back to you.
Jesus Christ,
Shindler just went to consult with Mengela and Himmler about what to do with the extra Jews laying around.

I am fucked now.
Was denken Sie uns sollten mit ihm tun?
we still need to confer with snuka.
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