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LZMF1 Wrote:m'mmmmmmm lunch!
Don't just stare at it......
flush it.
see, now that was funny!
:: Grows weary of Naughty Angels lurking. Grabs her, strips her down and throws her to LZ in a scene reminiscent of feeding time at the zoo.::
::UNGA-BUNGA!!!!!! UNGA-BUNGA!!!!!::
::NA loves it when you attack her like a wild retarded beast::
::runs away::
i like playing hard to get
NaughtyAngel Wrote:i like playing hard to get
:: Play time is over!!!
Grabs the Angel and delivers a viscious blow, ( A combo 69 and piledriver). The move was a severe miscalculation, because when her head hit the concrete she bit down hard on Ken Junk. writhes in pain::
jokes on you, i have snuka's AIDS and grumpy's herpes, now you do too
::throws ken in the chum pool::
::hold his head down under all the chum::
::pulls her into the pool,
if I am getting those diseases, I want to enjoy it:
::jumps on top of ken::
:: fucks her like a spastic jack rabbit till she is ready to cum. Whacks her in the head with a brick. Uses brick on LZ and throws him on top of the Angel. Goes in search of Ladi. ::
:Confusedtill looking for Ladi, need to eat her ass to kill the bad taste of her gash (hey at this point anything is an improvement)::
::that didn't hurt!!!!! HA!::
::i always keep my hockey helmet on::
::ladi loves the way i look when my helmet is kind of askew on my mellon head::
:Gives LZ the Scarecrow treatment. A ten foot pole up the ass and plant him in the front yard. Takes time to laugh at the little legs spinning in air,
jerks a load onto Angel's head, continues search for Ladi:
::wakes up::
ewww its all gooey
:Confusedmashes kens head into the ground::
:Confusedticks her head in the john and flushes::

:Confusedee all the gooey goes away::
::falls over::
::get's angry and goes apeshit like a gorilla::
::then 10' pole stuck in his tushie cracks Ken's pen in the head and knocks him out cold::
::finally notices the pole in his das doooomper and removes it::
::beats Ken's pen unmercifully with it::
:Confusedtops and proceeds to foam at the mouth like a rabid pitbull::
::come to ::
::watches LZ thrash and scream::
:Confusedees LZ throw pole into the air::
::whistles Also sprach Zarathustra ::
:: laughs, coughs blood, and passes out::
:Confusedcratches head::
::wonders how the fuck he missed all this::
::Slaps LZ with the shitty end of the 10' pole::
::gives sluggo the dual tittie twister and scurries away::
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