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Pages: 1 2
yes but not with the "compulsion" sleeper seems to suffer under. i pee then sleep. he seems to have a problem with it. this is due to the association that he has formed that i previously mentioned.
Goatweed Wrote:10K isn't so bad - it's when you reach that 20K level that you really need to re-evaluate yourself.
Fuck you sayin, bitch!!!
almost 23K!! go outside once in a while!!!
I just go back from this "outside" nonsense and it's highly over-rated.
going to the store for smokes and milk doesn't count.
This is the new Gonzo.

I think you mean Detour Bars and lettuce.
I can't picture Gonzo buying a Detour Bar, let alone eating one.

Stranger things have happened, however.
he'd look dead sexy in one of those mesh t-shirts, too
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