Full Version: Softball game check-in
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The Jays Wrote:I'm only going if we're gonna smoke weed on the way.
then the pizzas will come in extra handy.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Gomez can bring the baseball hats.

queer colors for all.
you bring the pink Yankee hats and i will bring the pink tall tees
I hear the camo Yankee caps are in season this year.
Goatweed Wrote:I hear the camo Yankee caps are in season this year.
at mads house during his socrack parties.
Fuck the Yankees, I'm a Met fan.
Mad Wrote:Fuck the Yankees, I'm a Met fan.
I was mvp of softball game 2 but its too long a drive to jersey
I guess I missed out on meeting THE velociti.
we could have mocked him incessantly with our 1920 racial jokes.
in black face!!
well one of us anyway
I don't wear tall tees
But you do wear jersey dresses
Jerseys were hot last summer, can we please get with the times
LyricalGomez Wrote:Jerseys were hot last summer, can we please get with the times
They may have been hot at one point but jersey dresses were never hot on you.
the wristbands were a nice touch
You're just mad because my jerseys were authentics and made your Faulk one look bad
When you guys wear sports team cloths people ask which team bus are you supposed to be.
If you wear a bigger size jersey than the player who's on the back... you shouldn't be wearing Jerseys.
Black Lazerus Wrote:If you wear a bigger size jersey than the player who's on the back... you shouldn't be wearing Jerseys.
I have thought about it and I have no comeback.
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