Full Version: And with this thread i begin the epic battle....
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Because instead of using a simple word, you used a word you didn't know how to spell just to appear smart.
wrong, dumbass! i used the word cause it illustrates my idea properly and i use the term in conversation when it seems appropriate. in conversation i dont need to know how to spell it.

so to summarize, hug my nuts!
you constantly use words out of context.
ergo you're an idiot.
the word is completely in context. ERGO, you are an illiterate ignoramus.
it's not a word the way you spelled it, it is a smattering of random letters that is similar to a word.
if this is the best that you can do then we had better call this off.
what do you want me to do, call you a coked up geezer that wants all of us kids to believe that he's rich and smart.
You are a sad sad shell of your former self, you should join this place
i am a mod on that board
Go to the Stern board. There's so much potential over there. Here it's just the same 6 assholes screaming at one another for the past two years.
I tried to, but there are so many threads started that you can't ever get a thread with legs. As soon as you post something it's buried 30 topics down, and no one responds.
Scott the Engineer's son wants to fight me.

Edited By diceisgod on 1089667226
It's impossible to surf through. I'm just not that motivated to post.
You're getting soft.
eventually that place will plateau, and it will be a fine place to bring down a message board.
feel free to link me to the best fights and topics and what not
yes keyser, do some leg work for your master.
ouch! you cut me to the core!
Stern's board's a buzzin. This might be easier than I thought. I think they like me.
That board is such a piece of shit so this might not work: Some constructive criticism
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