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Quote:ok Kid Afrika circa 2001

old truths are still truths.

Quote:your Galt line is becoming almost as old as your withering sex drive

the galt "line" is the truth and is therefore still "relevant".
as to my sex drive i am doing just fine thank you. i get enough so that i am never put into your position of having to lie about it.
The Galt Line was actually the name of a rail line that was at the center of Atlas Shrugged.
who is john galt?

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1089821994
its funny cause you keep replying to me, thats not irony by the way.

if i agreed with everything galt says, then id be agreeing with everything you say, which obviously is not the case.

keep dancing my little monkey.
Quote:keep dancing my little monkey

ok arpikarhu circa june 2004
old truths are still truths
This thread was good until you asses started arguing about the same shit you always argue over.
Keyser Soze Wrote:old truths are still truths
its funny cause you keep replying to me
no, you keep replying to me.
I can do a seach to find out who replied to who first when the board first went live if that'll help.
which came first the liar or the untrustworthy?
Keyser Soze Wrote:no, you keep replying to me.
see? that was a reply to me, ERGO , you keep replying to me.
which was a reply to me
which was a total reply to me
i win
Keyser Soze Wrote:i win
I've gotta back Keyser on this one. Arpi had to quote a keyser post in order to skip over an Alkey post in his reply. ERGO, Keyser wins
Keyser Soze Wrote:i win
you cant win since i have already won.
Topper makes sense.
Suzie flew, ERGO... Arpi's an overcompensating jew.

- gooch182
what does that even mean? other than a really lame turk 182 reference of course.
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