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it means you lose, good day sir

- willy wonka
There Can Be Only One.
it's a jelly
-doug mackenzie
My observation...

This thread has turned into something akin to midget to watch, but oh, so stupid.
so basically it turned into a YMB thread?
Something like that.
if that was true this thread would have felt the anxious fingers of at least 3 mods and someone would have been banned.
I tossed Beetlejuice the midget once, it was actually a lot of fun - every other word out of his mouth was "fuck".
did he admire your highschool ring?
I don't think I wore it that night - and if so, he could barely reach it.
i bet goat was wearing jean shorts as well.
I tossed beetlejuice as well at a fraternity at my school. Aparently he makes appearances
Keyser Soze Wrote:i bet goat was wearing jean shorts as well.
Jeans, actually - it was around Christmas time, and yes he does make appearances, he made one at a bar/pub place on SI a few years ago, that's why I was there.

And I do wear either jean (denim) shorts or cargo shorts, specifically for the reason they tend to be longer - I'm a tall fella so regular shorts look awful on me.

should we go through my entire wardrobe while we're at it?
will the JC Penny's catalog just sum it up best?
As opposed to wearing a tent?
Gooch Wrote:will the JC Penny's catalog just sum it up best?
for you perhaps...I've only bought work shoes from there.
What's wrong with jean shorts? Or is it just no jean shorts on guys?
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