Full Version: Walk The Drunk
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Pages: 1 2
you missed it.
here, there, everywhere.
missed what?
[Image: 85.jpg] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
wow, nice job laz
yeah i can't beat 20 but i don't have a mouse
crx girl Wrote:yeah i can't beat 20 but i don't have a mouse
is it a laptop with one of those touch pads?
No she was playing the real life version last night when she was coming home from work.
Then she should get 100 meters she's had enough practice.
Black Lazerus Wrote:
crx girl Wrote:yeah i can't beat 20 but i don't have a mouse
is it a laptop with one of those touch pads?
it plays quite well actually with those eraserhead mice on laptops.
i don't have one of those
you know you can plug a regular mouse into a laptop, right?
i'm not gonna go out and buy a mouse just for that
Go out and beg on the street.
for a mouse?
Pages: 1 2