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As if your sig wasn't enough of a sign of douchebagness.
I 13
arpi im gonna break ur freaking bingo machine
G 21
arpi u gonna try me i will pull out my stinger missle :oh yeah:
O 38
DDDDDDDDDDDDDIIEEEE :burnfucker: :oh yeah: :punch: :pengydie: :running at mouth: Confusedhot:
N 20
Someone please give him Maynerd's post count.
N 26
Keyser Soze Wrote:Someone please give him Maynerd's post count.
Excuse me, but go fucking Die Keyser. My post count is special, just like your mommy told you that you are. He should get nothing special except for maybe a fucking lesson in how to host sig pics. damn dude, you suck. even your avatar doesn't show up. Did you think I was kidding when I told you that last night?
I 12
O69 :0

Oh...oh...oh..oh..oh...oh...mmmm...OH! OH! OH MY GOD!!!! whew! I needed that
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:Someone please give him Maynerd's post count.
Excuse me, but go fucking Die Keyser. My post count is special, just like your mommy told you that you are. He should get nothing special except for maybe a fucking lesson in how to host sig pics. damn dude, you suck. even your avatar doesn't show up. Did you think I was kidding when I told you that last night?
I stand corrected.
Spitfire Wrote:O69 :0

Oh...oh...oh..oh..oh...oh...mmmm...OH! OH! OH MY GOD!!!! whew! I needed that
You are sooo welcome spit.
Thanks Cap'n Negativity. I like you too. Big Grin
Kid Afrika Wrote:Thanks Cap'n Negativity. I like you too. Big Grin
I learned it from watching you! :::Confusedobs::::
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