Full Version: Fun with Underage Drinking
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How come no chicks took him aside and fucked him or at least blow him?
He did an edit, that homo bastard.
no no he didn't
Wow black laz you change my post and then you lock the topic...the word "pussy" comes to mind...
Quote:I only have a 2 inch dick, If i wear bling bling and throwback jerseys will that make my dick bigger?

Ask Slim Shady.
Yeah but I didn't say that, it was Black Lazerus being a pussy.
I am not Marty Macfly sport...You won't get a rise out of me that way.
Isn't that what Mod's are supposed to do? Fuck with people's posts/statii/life in general?
I didn't call you Marty Macfly did I?

I called you a pussy.
Damn flux capacitor. :35:
if he locked the thread, start another one - and make it a good one, so he wont have to lock it again.
Goatweed Wrote:if he locked the thread, start another one - and make it a good one, so he wont have to lock it again.

The wisdom flows..

Bow to it. It may not come so freely in the future.
Chris isn't very bright either, that or didn't read the first post of this thread. I will just say he's an idiot it is most likely true.
well he likes to be cocksmacked, that alone speaks volumes...
So Chris what do you prefer Syrup or Jelly?
It was good befroe he chagned every post in it. It was about black people stealing tvs.
Stereotypes are so much fun to exploit.
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