Full Version: So why does the last ten posts...
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Chris52 Wrote:
The Sleeper Wrote:and YOU CANT SEE THE THREADS
Are you serious? Because I tested it in IE and mozilla and haven't had complaints from anyone.
Probably because they can't believe what they are seeing.
You should switch domain names with Danked.
I'm not gonna screenshot cause that takes work. just live with the insecurity that your board doesn't work properly for every potential member.
This Board >
what's cooking at I wonder.
Must I ask again? Why does the last 10 post list have posts from 10 days ago?
he made his board using claymation.
uhhh whats claymation?
It's what fat fucks named Wardle make message boards with.
Chris52 Wrote:Must I ask again? Why does the last 10 post list have posts from 10 days ago?
Chris52 Wrote:
Chris52 Wrote:Must I ask again? Why does the last 10 post list have posts from 10 days ago?
because I like it that way
whoa guys, laz did a whois on chris's site. he must be serious.
I am going to take his bike, again.
If I only knew...
Goatweed Wrote:
Chris52 Wrote:
Chris52 Wrote:Must I ask again? Why does the last 10 post list have posts from 10 days ago?
because I like it that way
Yeah... What he said.
IrishAlkey Wrote:If I only knew...
You'd still do nothing
It also has 20 posts, not 10.
explain to us why you coded your own board?
Because I wanted a board and I was sick of every board I see being phpbb invision free and all the other lookalikes.
If you were so sick of them why do you go to them?
uhh I didn't mean I wouldn't go to them. What I meant was I didn't want mine to be one.

Edited By Chris52 on 1091121529
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