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List posts from like 10 days ago?
Why is anything anything?

It's crazy when you sit down and think about it.
please remove the spam from your sig, thx!
I think he is challenging jacks board coding skills.
Jack doesn't have board coding skills. Jack did not code this board.
hey cocksmack, I said remove it, not shrink it
Hey guy, blow me.
wow with that kind of wit, i'm surprised more people aren't signing up to THE MESSAGE BOARD
I think I'm going to quote black lazerus here.

"I fucked your mom."
i think he better apologize to jack, before jack gets nasty.
What bad things did I say about Jack? I am only stating facts here. Jack did not code this board and the last 10 posts are not working as they should.
why go with name brands like CDIH, when you can go no frills with your message board?
I can't even click on any threads on his board cause they blend in with the background. how will I know what movies 16 year olds from long island prefer?!?!
ummmm no everyone else can see them fine. Change the brightness on your moniter or something.
check the brightness on your face
Well that made no sense. So I am just going to smack you. :Confusedmack::
he got all role-playing on yo ass, Sleeper.
I tried going back to your board again but all I got was a picture of a huge black man's cock. better check that bug too
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</tr><tr><td class=cell><a href=board1.php?board=0>Message Board Announcements</a><br /><font size=-2>Here is where I announce stuff.</font></td><td class=cell>5</td><td class=cell>19</td><td class=cell><font size=-2>Time: 07/28/2004 08:50:47 PM<br />From: <a href=whois.php?id=1>Bust A Pancake</a><br />Topic: <a href=viewtopic.php?topic=62&board=0>Update: Added links</a></font></td></tr><tr><td class=cell><a href=board1.php?board=2>Suggestions</a><br /><font size=-2>Suggest stuff here. I may or may not care.</font></td><td class=cell>16</td><td class=cell>72</td><td class=cell><font size=-2>Time: 07/28/2004 09:12:18 PM<br />From: <a href=whois.php?id=24>Wesley Snipes</a><br />Topic: <a href=viewtopic.php?topic=66&board=2>suggestion dude</a></font></td></tr>

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<tr><td class=cell><a href=board1.php?board=1>The Message Board</a><br /><font size=-2>Talk about stuff here.</font></td><td class=cell>14</td><td class=cell>71</td><td class=cell><font size=-2>Time: 07/28/2004 07:59:25 PM<br />From: <a href=whois.php?id=1>Bust A Pancake</a><br />Topic: <a href=viewtopic.php?topic=31&board=1>Old School Gaming</a></font></td></tr>

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<tr><td class=cell><a href=board1.php?board=3>Movies</a><br /><font size=-2>mmmm movies.</font></td><td class=cell>7</td><td class=cell>31</td><td class=cell><font size=-2>Time: 07/28/2004 06:08:07 PM<br />From: <a href=whois.php?id=38>Jon Lovitz</a><br />Topic: <a href=viewtopic.php?topic=27&board=3>boondock saints &...</a></font></td></tr><tr><td class=cell><a href=board1.php?board=4>Website Design</a><br /><font size=-2>Web design stuff goes here.</font></td><td class=cell>2</td><td class=cell>19</td><td class=cell><font size=-2>Time: 07/08/2004 11:18:34 PM<br />From: <a href=whois.php?id=30>industrialgoth</a><br />Topic: <a href=viewtopic.php?topic=58&board=4>Some of my sites</a></font></td></tr><tr><td class=cell><a href=board1.php?board=5>Video Games</a><br /><font size=-2>Discuss video games here.</font></td><td class=cell>7</td><td class=cell>15</td><td class=cell><font size=-2>Time: 07/28/2004 06:26:05 PM<br />From: <a href=whois.php?id=38>Jon Lovitz</a><br />Topic: <a href=viewtopic.php?topic=45&board=5>Video Games</a></font></td></tr>

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