like you had a choice
that hurts coming from someone with the athletic prowless of ET.
you are misinformed and incorrect, bench jockey
we've seen the pictures, screech.
have you ever seen screech play softball? i rest my case.
There was that one episode where the boot camp guy came and Screech did pretty well in the obstacle course.
begone foul spirit of board days past! your idiocy is no longer welcome here! haunt YMB where there are more odious shades of yesteryear such as yourself. begone!
So have you all settled on teams yet?
if its like last time we will just do it when we are there
with three boards worth of people, making teams should be easy as pie.
especially when all 3 boards share the same members.
Me and DIG will take on all comers.
Me as in you, or me as in me?
I wonder if Me is connected to Myself.
Me knows what I is talkin about.
so who's bringing the beer and condoms, this thing is next week.