Full Version: Arpi, what the fuck do you do all day in bumfuk,NJ
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Arpi doesn't understand biology and obviously avoids the clit.
Lesbians say to never touch the clit, just around and around and around it.
what retarded lesbians are you talking to?
retarded lesbian?!?! i just got wood.
Mad Wrote:Lesbians say to never touch the clit, just around and around and around it.
they're trying to make you a bad lay so that more girls turn to lesbianism.
one of those old mercedes sl convertibles
Mini Cooper Cabrio
It's a SAAB
none of the above
Chrysler Sebring.

It was a lipstick lesbian, not bulldog butch dyke. But, Galt could be on to something, those bastards!
sebrings are sweet
I bet it's one of those old cars like the ones from Happy Days and American Graffitti
Maybe it's one of those old 80's Chrysler Le Baron's, what a POS those were.
pick up truck

dodge made an 89 convertible dakota
none of the above.
a dodge?
[Image: od1107.jpg]
i'd take that car in a second
my god he has a C70 volvo
chevy impala
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