Full Version: Fuck New York!
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The sad part is, that is every white kid i went to school with. Barring the political agenda, of course.
so you went to a school for poseurs? this explains much
Dont you get tired of typing the same words, over and over again? It's gotta be frustrating to realize that you're that un-original.
Ooooh...unless you dont realize it. Sorry to break the news like that.
say what you like cause the knowledge that no matter how many times i post that you are a poseur, that it still pisses you off gives me sweet joy.

plus it happens to be the truth. poseur.
No, the fact that you're an un-original douche pisses me off. The fact that you pretend to think so little of me, while never missing a chance to take a shot at me makes me laugh.
You're better than my dogs. At least they ignore me every now and then.
yeah, it doesnt bother you at all. thats why you get pissy every time i say it. rolls right off your back.
keep playing it like it doesnt bother you. poseur.

on a small note, unoriginal doesnt get a hyphen.
a poseur and a moron. your parents must be proud.
A grammar error? Really reaching now, arent you?
i said "on a small note".

so let's see:
poor reading comprehension

really marking your spot in the world.
Agreed. Done.
I was refering to the video...carry on
add clueless to the list. poseur
Going for the "most times to write poseur on a board" award?
he's definitely in the top 3
i didnt know there was an award. sweet!
That whole parody was funny but it gave bush too much credit by making him seem as if he was intelligent, a leader and articulate.