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do not tell me sean cold was directly run off by arpi
also, hey ladi was run off by arpi, which was a positive, and he claimed to run off pollyannafower46 but i called bullshit and I guess he finally admits I was right!
Arpi was just the culmination of Seans hate for the people of this board.

While being indirect, he was the defining factor in Sean's choice to leave this board.
The Sleeper Wrote:also, hey ladi was run off by arpi, which was a positive, and he claimed to run off pollyannafower46 but i called bullshit and I guess he finally admits I was right!
he attempted to rape polly I think.
oh yea!
... i actually liked ken's pen... he tended to make stuff interesting... but uh maybe thats me
You have tits.

That was Ken's only motive.
*shrug* regardless of his intentions he was entertaining
yeah ken was entertaining even though he is a stalker.
I thought ken was one of the most entertaining people here

annoying, yet entertaining
i did not run sean cold or kens pen off the board. sean had a complete breakdown and ken has been back and forth between here and some other board.
i did run ladi off though. anyone miss here? thought not.

ok so 2:
1. seph
2. ladi

thats it. unless you count the tag team that ken and i did on OAS.
Quote:i did run ladi off though. anyone miss here? thought not.

I do, actually - I always thought she was cool, even though she was kinda "out there" at times - that didn't make her annoying like many others, though.

I remember those OAS "fight" threads - those were great to read.
c'mon! ladi's contributions consisted of post like this:

"i agree"


"i have an itch"

and an endless assortment of icon only posts.
true, all true - but there was something about her that I found more enjoyable than annoying I guess. To each his/her own, I guess.
you scare me sometimes
He should, he'a an Admin.
Arpikarhu Wrote:c'mon! ladi's contributions consisted of post like this:

"i agree"


"i have an itch"

and an endless assortment of icon only posts.
That is what Trish did until I broke her of her nasty habit.
I won't give arpi the gold for the kill on sean but he gets the bronze for the wound, he pretty much hated most here including me in the end for not agreeing on how the site should go.
i hear sean posts on some geeky gamer board now.
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