Full Version: Ps2 broadband adapter - I just got the beta version!!!
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SOCOM Navy Seals. Haven't played it...but I watch my brother play it....he loves it.

NHL 2003 is not broadband/online capable, LZ. Try reading the box. The only hockey game that will be online this year seems to be the XBOX version of Sega's NHL2k3
gooch, that's just downright annoying!!!

sure they make madden 2003 online but do you think they'd make some hockey fans happy by making NHL 2003 online compatible? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

maybe 989 sports will make FaceOff 2003 online
patience is a virtue!!!

i should have held out for just a few days longer!
the U.P.S. guy just dropped off my free broadband adaptor.
sell it on ebay
my brother-in-law already offered me face value for it.
Well, I finally found a network adabpter in a tiny little Electronic's Boutique thatno one realizes is there yet. Hell, i didn't even know it was there until the guy at the Target told me they just opened and might just have the "golden eggs" in stock. Unfortunately, as i am broke this week, I will be waiting until next weekend to get myself a router, so will not be online just yet.

Yes, I am entirely too lazy to keep swapping the cat5 cable from the PS2 to the PC. Not to mention, if you can't be online with both at the same time, how on Earth can you IM LZ and call him a bitchass in order to goad him into a game Smile
I am too broke to buy SOCOM, so i have scamming blockbuster by hoarding rain checks for socom. im on my second free week in a row, and have another pass ready and waiting. Probobly gonna go back and get another one this weekend. good times
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