Full Version: I've gotten Banned From YMB - and i don't know why
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I have no idea how that thread got so big on YMB with that shit server freezing up every 30 seconds. Anyway I hope it doesn't disappear I want to read the rest of it when I get home all smacked up. I need a laugh. Great fucking stuff.
which one? There's a few of them that turned into poop
I've come to the realizaiton that unless I can berate people, I am an empty shell of a poster.
YES!!!! she has turned into one of us!! ^5
berating people makes my testicles produce extra strong sperm.
I guess that accounts for the double & triple eggs I produce every month.
I wonder if Gooch is gonna have a board contest where the prize will be a Spiderman DVD...
I have a question. Who is in their full glory right now? Me or me?
deep thoughts
this is the only board that hasn't banned me. Three have even deleted me.
You said "me" twice.
a board without Galt just isn't a board at all.
Goatweed Wrote:a board without Galt just isn't a board at all.
You're right, you always need one of those guys.
Yeah, not really.
Sorry, DIG.
Mad Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:a board without Galt just isn't a board at all.
You're right, you always need one of those guys.
and one of you guys.
So am I cool enough for this place yet?
do you feel weird posting in a place that doesn't ban/delete/edit?
A trailer park is a trailer park.
I knew you we're a flake all along. Your actions only validate it.
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