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Metal has a little.......... toe :burnfucker:
I dig Ladi..she's aight yo
Becky is a mix of chip-cheery & angry hardcore.
Ladi is a mix of chum and pubes :burnfucker:
Metal's a mix of nothing, he's just plain shit....but a likeable person none the least :thumbs-up:
DGW is just a mix of special malts, barley, hops and water....and if I were geeey, like Ken, I'd ask to drink from his tap :roflmao:
Metal's an asshole....plain and simple....any questions?
Grump's a no good, kniving, short, riot inciting, mud slinging, song of a bitch.

Oh yeah, and there's plenty of stuff I don't like about him too, but I overlook that to get to all the good stuff.
Grumpy's not as short as you think, but might just be as angry. He's a dawg, but nice to the girls too.
Grump's a no good, kniving, short, riot inciting, mud slinging, song of a bitch.

Oh yeah, and there's plenty of stuff I don't like about him too, but I overlook that to get to all the good stuff.
Maynard always has a way of double posting.
Grumpy, my chief nemisis in the old days.
I am glad we seem to get along these days.

I love the Grump when he is in full out attack mode.
That was a really fucked up double post!

Take-a-dumpy starts some nasty rumors, but he's like the big bro I never wanted to have
Spit's a bong smoking stoner

Grump is one step above gerbils in the food chain....oh yeah, he's a mean little prick too :burnfucker:
Spit is a cool chick. She has a fuzzy feeling somewhere about me.

Maynard.....well...he is maynard..... :lol:
Spit has a great ass. :loveya: And no, it doesn't really look like a table.

Oh yeah, and her musical suggestions are the reason I'm in debt! :angry:
maynard is a nice guy disguising himself as an asshole to get accepted
maymay has changed dramatically from the days of old when he first was in "grumpy training school". He surpasses me sometimes in the viciousness realm.

As for Spit - well, my little red headed retarded sister isn't really all that retarded. I'll always watch her back when needed. (insert fat ass joke here.)

Ken - if I had the time recently, I'd enlighten your day with malicious mischief no one has ever seen. but alas, the midget is getting old and it's time to pass the torch soon.....

Snuka's just a sick motherfucker who I love....but he still can't babysit my kids.
Maymay's a cool guy and alot of fun. Smile

Grumpy always makes me laugh and can dish out a good ribbing. :lol: (and he's older than I am) Big Grin

Beckster is a sweety and not as smiley faced all the time as we all thought in the beginning. Smile Smile Smile Smile
I love teh Lunapad Smile
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