Full Version: Weird food interests - We all have one
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crx girl Wrote:
Quote:I also like banana and butter samiches
me too :thumbs-up:

i also like marmite samiches, i know you all think it's vile stuff but it really isn't. um, i'm sure there's lots of other weird stuff i eat, i'll let you know if i remember them...
What exactly is marmite, Crx? :clueless:
LunaBabe Wrote:What exactly is marmite, Crx? :clueless:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its british.
I used to love taking Hershey's Kisses and baking them with Lifesavers.
i drank half and half by the glass
marmite is "yeast extract" i know that sounds nasty. it's like a dark brown spread made from vegetable extracts. it's very strong so you just spread a little of it on your sammich and you're good to go :bouncer:

oh, and i eat cherry tomatoes like candy
Green olives..I eat em like mad. I usually go through a jar in a couple of days.

Raw oysters and clams....slurp!.... but I don't think it's that weird.

I like cold pizza for breakfast.
I don't use any condiments. Ketchup, mustard, mayo, none.
Unless it's already on there like McDonald's or Burger King. Except pickle relish. That stuff is great.

And the only way I'll eat hot dogs is if they're bar-b-qued until they're over cooked and completely shriveled and buried in pickle relish.
Peanut buttered pizza! YUMMY
Peanut butter on pizza yes!!.

I also like dunking Oreos in cherry or lime Kool-Aid.

Slim Jims by the bucket

I put pepperoni in the microwave for a couple minutes to make it crispy

I like half n half too, but I won't drink milk unless it has chocolate in it

Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches
pickled onions
french fries dipped in my chocolate shake
half and half
raw oysters
russion dressing
chocolate icing, right from the container, by the spoonful
teeryaki sauce, plain. and i eat about a box of sharbites a day.
I thought I was the only one that drank pickle juice.

I also enjoy the occasional pomegranite(sp?)
chitlins and collard greens?

oops i thought this was the questions thread.
Arpikarhu Wrote:pickled onions
mmm i haven't had those in years. i'm gonna have to stop reading this thread, it's making me crave all kinds of bad stuff :confused:
Kid Afrika Wrote:I also enjoy the occasional pomegranite(sp?)
bastard caused winter
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