Full Version: Ever since I got cable
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Pages: 1 2
my dogs of war are not a clique. they are a fearsome force of vengeance!
The Sleeper Wrote:so which one more closely resembles you?
I look like the one that got stiffed on the cd exchange. Is it any wonder you people have no friends?
i must admit, i do enjoy the o'reilly factor. i get the chills when he tells me i am entering a no spin zone!
I saw Colmes walking down the street. He is really as ugly as it appears on the show. I thought that maybe FOX uglied him up a bit to make liberals look more evil, but no, he really is just a hideous freak.
Why didn't you push him in front of a bus?
because that would be murder. Society frowns up on that.
It's not murder if you did it by accident, duh!
diceisgod Wrote:
The Sleeper Wrote:so which one more closely resembles you?
I look like the one that got stiffed on the cd exchange. Is it any wonder you people have no friends?
I'm gonna continue stiffing you if it leads to posting hilarity like this
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